研華ESRP-CMS-U238V2 Multi-display ThinManager Ready Thin Client

研華ESRP-CMS-U238V2 Multi-display ThinManager Ready Thin Client

  • 12th Gen Intel? Core? i Processor
  • Verified with ThinManager, ThinManager BIOS enabled
  • Supports multiple displays (HDMI *1, DP*1, USB Type-C*2)
  • ESRP-CMS-U238V2 is a perfect ThinManager multi-monitor industrial thin client for applications where flexibility and cost savings of 4 monitors per client is desired, providing a unique solution for centralized management of factory floor.


张家界市| 梧州市| 德化县| 自贡市| 洛川县| 涡阳县| 乐至县| 沙洋县| 海淀区| 蕉岭县| 安龙县| 巍山| 信丰县| 化州市| 榆树市| 闻喜县| 上饶市| 都安| 景东| 甘德县| 新津县| 兴义市| 明溪县| 丰顺县| 长海县| 井研县| 奉新县| 惠安县| 綦江县| 修文县| 桂平市| 同德县| 平邑县| 甘谷县| 衡阳市| 确山县| 平果县| 黎川县| 琼中| 金寨县| 濮阳市|