研華Ei-U247 IoT Edge Computer with Intel ? Celeron ? J3455 Processor, 2 x LAN, 6 x COM, 4 x USB, 1 x HDMI, and 1 x VGA

研華Ei-U247 IoT Edge Computer with Intel ? Celeron ? J3455 Processor, 2 x LAN, 6 x COM, 4 x USB, 1 x HDMI, and 1 x VGA

  • Intel ? Celeron ? J3455 processor
  • Robust yet compact fanless design with high stability
  • 2 x GbE, 2 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB2.0, 4 x RS232, 2 x RS485, 1 x HDMI, 1 x VGA
  • Rubber stopper for stand mount and optional DIN-rail mount kit
  • Optional 3G/GPS/GPRS/Wi-Fi communication capabilities
  • Optional 3G/GPS/GPRS/Wi-Fi communication
  • Threaded DC power jack ensures a secure and stable connection
  • Optimized mechanical design for easy RAM swapping
  • Advantech WISE-DeviceOn and WISE-Marketplace support
  • Cloud-to-Edge system integration is inevitably set to play an increasingly important role in IoT world. Ei-U247, powered by DeviceOn, simplifies the remote monitoring and management and offers Plug-and-Play with zero-touch type provisioning with the variety of Advantech industrial Apps.


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