研華ESRP-CSS-U2484 Intel? Core? i5 Modular Compact Embedded Box PC with Azure IoT Edge and WISE-EdgeLink

研華ESRP-CSS-U2484 Intel? Core? i5 Modular Compact Embedded Box PC with Azure IoT Edge and WISE-EdgeLink

  • Extends cloud intelligence and analytics to edge devices
  • Boosts productivity and response times with data insights
  • Offers secure cloud communication and edge intelligence
  • Provides prebuilt Docker engine for rapid deployment
  • WISE-EdgeLink supports more than 200 PLC device
  • WISE- EdgeLink 8000 tags
  • ESRP-CSS-U Series consists of Azure IoT Edge and Advantech industrial gateway, UNO-2000 series. The inclusion of WISE-Edgelink ensures easy and reliable data collection. Featuring edge container technology, it supports third-party container-native applications for edge-based AI processing.


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