研華98910770501 Advanced Flex I/O for 4x GbE PoE

研華98910770501 Advanced Flex I/O for 4x GbE PoE

  • Flexible expansion for additional I/O and functions in MIC-7 systems
  • Expansion on the front for same-side cabling for easy maintenance
  • Keeps compact size, fanless design, and wide operating temperate advantages of MIC-7 series
  • Supports NVMe M.2 SSD via PCIe x4, faster read/write speed than SATA
  • Special design NVMe heatsink with thermal pad, compatible with different NVMe for heat dissipation
  • Supports Intel? i350 PoE capability with programmable power on/off control
  • Compatible with MIC i-Module, and Advantech iDoor
  • *Note: Regular Flex I/O cannot be added together with PoE Flex I/O
  • The new Advanced Flex I/O Series is designed to support more I/O and superior functionality while keeping the advantages of the MIC-7 series: compact, fanless design, and a wide-operating temperature range.


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