研華MIC-713S-OX AI Solution Kit Based on NVIDIA? Jetson Orin?

研華MIC-713S-OX AI Solution Kit Based on NVIDIA? Jetson Orin?

  • Open-frame solution kit design
  • Embedded with NVIDIA? Jetson Orin? NX up to 100 TOPS
  • Supports 5 x GbE, 6 x USB 3.2 Gen 2
  • Supports 1 x mPCIe, 1 x M.2 3052, 1 x M.2 2280
  • Supports Allxon 24/7 remote monitoring and OTA deployment
  • The MIC-713 series solution kit consists of carrier boards designed with the test-then-design mindset. The MIC-713 series offers as much I/O expansion as possible and all the peripherals are tested beforehand. AI developers can quickly integrate peripherals and customize them into the ideal form.


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