研華DPX-E145 The DPX?-E145 is a completely integrated system based on the 11th generation Intel Core embedded platform for gaming applications.

研華DPX-E145 The DPX?-E145 is a completely integrated system based on the 11th generation Intel Core embedded platform for gaming applications.

  • 11th Generation Intel? Core? SOC CPUs
  • CPUs up to Dual 3.0 (3.9) GHz, Quad core 2.8GHz (4.4) GHz
  • Intel Iris Xe integrated graphics
  • Four 4k monitor support
  • Comprehensive gaming features
  • Passive cooled system up to 28W
  • 12V DC single input or ATX power
  • The system uses Intel’s revolutionary high performance dual and quad core SOC devices with "Discrete-level Graphics" from the integrated Intel Iris Xe graphics core. Four independent monitors are supported.A full feature set of I/O and COMs designed specifically for gaming devices is also included.


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