研華DPX-S455 Intel? 12/13th Generation Core? Gaming Platform

研華DPX-S455 Intel? 12/13th Generation Core? Gaming Platform

  • Very high-performance Intel Hybrid Multi-core CPUs
  • CPUs up to i9 24 Core
  • Three independent monitors including 8k & HDR options
  • PCIe x16 graphics card slot
  • Comprehensive gaming features
  • 12V DC single input or ATX power
  • Full featured driver API for IO and security
  • The DPX?-S455 is the latest addition to the proven DPX-S series of integrated gaming platforms. It uses latest high-performance CPUs with Hybrid core technology up to Core i9. For higher performance the standard PCI-Express x16 graphics card slot allows to support graphics cards.


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