研華PCI-1245V Value DSP-Based 4-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Card

研華PCI-1245V Value DSP-Based 4-Axis Motion Control Universal PCI Card

  • Encoder input is 10 MHz for 4xAB mode, 2.5 MHz for CW/CCW mode
  • Pulse output up to 5 Mpps
  • Supports linear and circular interpolation
  • Hardware emergency input
  • Supports E-Gear
  • Supports programmable acceleration/deceleration rate
  • Memory buffer (10K points) for trajectory planning which is designed in DSP(Auto-blending is not supported)
  • Position compares triggering up to 100 KHz, and memory buffer is up to 100 K points in DSP
  • Position latch
  • Programmable interrupt and watchdog timer
  • RDY/LTC-dedicated input channels & SVON/CMP/CAM-DO/ERC-dedicatedoutput channels are switchable for general input and output purposes
  • The PCI-1245V is a 4-axis universal PCI (supporting both 3.3 V and 5 V signal slot) stepping/pulse-type servo motor control card designed for applications which need to control interpolation, synchronization among multiple axes and continuous contouring. The PCI-1245V utilizes the high-performance DSP and FPGA to calculate the motion trajectories, synchronization timing control for multiple axes and input/output handling to offer functionality, such as linear interpolation, 2/3- axis circular interpolation, Compare trigger, T/S-curve acceleration/deceleration rate and so on. In addition, Advantech supplies a Common Motion API library, graphical utility and user-friendly examples to decrease programming load, helping users complete configuration and diagnosis easily.


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