研華BB-SL30500110 SmartStart, EMEA, 1x ETH, 1x RS232, Plastic

研華BB-SL30500110 SmartStart, EMEA, 1x ETH, 1x RS232, Plastic

  • LTE Category 4 (Cat.4) Cellular Connectivity
  • Powerful CPU with 1.3 GB storage to host customer SW applications
  • 2× SIM for cellular failover
  • 1× ETH, 1× RS232 (DB9 Female)
  • 1× Digital Input, 1× Digital Output
  • Plastic cover with wall and DIN rail mount options
  • Wide operational temperature range
  • Sleep mode & Power ignition
  • Router App Software customization
  • The SmartStart BB-SL30500110 is the latest version of the cellular router from SmartStart family routers. The router uses the newest Cat.4 LTE services. As a standard, SL305 is equipped with one Ethernet 10/100 Mbps port, with one RS232, and with one digital input and one digital output.


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