研華ARK-2251 Intel 13th Generation Core? i3/i5/i7 Modular Fanless Box PC

研華ARK-2251 Intel 13th Generation Core? i3/i5/i7 Modular Fanless Box PC

  • Intel 13th Gen Intel? Core? U-series 10 cores (2 P-cores and 8 E-cores) SoC
  • 3x Intel GbE, 6x USB 3.1, 6x RS-232/422/485, 2x HDMI and 2x CANBus
  • Dual Channel DDR5-4800 memory up to 64GB
  • Support NVMe storage devices with PCIe x4
  • 12-24V DC wide range power input
  • -20-60°C wide operating temperature
  • Internal expansions with mPCIe, M.2 E and M key, and USB 2.0
  • Optional iDoor modules for IO expansion, TPM module and PoE module
  • WISE-DeviceOn supported for quick AI deployment at scale
  • Intel 13th Generation Core? i3/i5/i7 Modular Fanless Box PC with rich extenal IO, including 3x Intel GbE, 6x USB 3.1, 6x RS-232/422/485, 2x HDMI and 2x CANBus. It is built with dual Channel DDR5-4800 memory slots, suportting NVMe with PCIe x4, and compatible with iDoor modules and wireless modules.


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