研華DS-200 Intel ? 第八代 Core? i3/i5 SDM,支持4K三顯的數(shù)字標牌播放器

研華DS-200 Intel ? 第八代 Core? i3/i5 SDM,支持4K三顯的數(shù)字標牌播放器

  • Easy installation and maintenance with Intel? SDM slot-in design
  • Supports Microsoft Windows 10 with proven compatibility
  • Supports Real 4K resolution
  • 3 independent displays: Golden Finger (HDMI 2.0, DP1.2), Front Bracket(mini DP++)
  • Dual channel DDR4 2400/2666 SO-DIMM, up to 32 GB
  • 8th Intel? Core? i3-8100H, i5-8400H processor, 9th Intel? Core? Celeron G4930E
  • Intel SDM-L (Smart Display Module - Large) form factor
  • No RED Certification
  • Intel ? 第八代 Core? i3/i5 SDM,支持4K三顯的數(shù)字標牌播放器


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