研華DS-410 Palm-size mini PC for hospitality and signage application

研華DS-410 Palm-size mini PC for hospitality and signage application

  • Stylish Aluminum Die-cast Design with Intel Atom? J6412 processor
  • Optimized GFX performace by on board 4GB/8GB DDR4 (3777Mhz)
  • Support HDMI 2.0 up to 4K(3840 x 2160), and VGA up to Full HD
  • Dual USB 3.0, Dual x Gb LAN, Dual x RS232 via RJ11 ports.
  • Smart Screen Alert and Monitoring by DeviceON
  • DS-410 is a palm-sized mini PC that is suitable for hospitality and signage applications. Equipped with a small thermal footprint & thin design. It is able to be installed in narrow spaces. Designed with a robust aluminum case, providing excellent thermal dissipation & rugged applications.


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