研華PCM-24R1TP iDoor Module: Intel I225, 2.5Gb/s, IEEE 1588, TSN, RJ45 x 1

研華PCM-24R1TP iDoor Module: Intel I225, 2.5Gb/s, IEEE 1588, TSN, RJ45 x 1

  • Meets Advantech iDoor technology standard
  • Supports Time Sensitive Network (TSN) (IEEE 1588/ 802.1AS Rev, 802.1Qav, 802.1Qbv)
  • Support PXE
  • High speed Ethernet supports 10BASE-Te, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T and 2500BASE-T 802.3
  • Achieves time synchronization for device or system
  • Real-time Ethernet with hardware based precision time protocol
  • iDoor Module: Intel I225, 2.5Gb/s, IEEE 1588, TSN, RJ45 x 1 PCM-24R1TP-BE supports TSN (Time Sensitive Network) which is an update to the IEEE Ethernet standard intended to address the needs of control systems with standard Ethernet technology.


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