研華PCM-29R1TX 1-Port iLink(TX), Long Distant Display Transmitter, RJ45

研華PCM-29R1TX 1-Port iLink(TX), Long Distant Display Transmitter, RJ45

  • Extend display distance between Panel and PC up to 100M
  • Independent of panel size, type & PC performance
  • Simplified cabling with standard Ethernet cable
  • Support Daisy-chain to connect PC with multiple panels in single loop
  • Extend wireless connectivity of PC via RF module installed on panel
  • iLink is a long distance transmission technology. It replaces HDMI and USB cables by one Ethernet cable which can extend transmission distance up to 100M between PC and touch panel. iLink is independent of panel size, type & PC performance. It also supports daisy-chain to connect multiple panels. The technology gives highly flexibility to construct and upgrade modular systems.


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