研華UNO-3272G Expandable Embedded Box IPC with Intel? Celeron? J1900

研華UNO-3272G Expandable Embedded Box IPC with Intel? Celeron? J1900

  • Intel? Celeron? J1900 2.0GHz processor with 4GB DDR3L memory
  • 3 x USB2.0, 1 x USB3.0, 2 x RS232/422/485, 2 x RS232
  • 2 x 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet
  • VGA, HDMI support 2 x independent displays
  • Optional Digital I/O support for sensing and controlling
  • Dedicated TPM2.0 microcontroller designed for hardware security
  • Flexible system I/O expansion by iDOOR technology
  • Support diverse fieldbus protocol by iDOOR technology
  • Dual Power input for power redundancy
  • The expandable fanless control cabinet PC UNO-3272G equipped with a Intel? Celeron J1900 processor, rich I/O including 4 x USB, 2 x GigaLAN, 2 x RS-232/422/485, and 2 x RS-232 ports, as well as VGA and HDMI display interfaces, UNO-3272G is designed to deliver high reliability and maximum flexibility for industrial automation applications. The provision of up to 2 expansion slots (2 x PCIex1 or 2 x PCI)supports the integration of modular peripherals and ensures flexible installation in diverse cabinet configurations.


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