研華PCE-3B12 PICMG 1.3 Half-size mainstream SHB Backplanes, Compactable with PCE-3000 series and IPC chassis: ACP-4020

研華PCE-3B12 PICMG 1.3 Half-size mainstream SHB Backplanes, Compactable with PCE-3000 series and IPC chassis: ACP-4020

  • 12-slot backplane for 14-slot half-sized chassis
  • Segments:1
  • One CPU card slot
  • PCIe slot: One x16, Two x1
  • PCI slot: Eight 32 bit/33MHz
  • Size: 315 x 185 mm (12.4" x 7.28")
  • Compactible with IPC chassis: ACP-4020
  • Ordering information: PCE-3B12-08A1E
  • PICMG 1.3 Half-size mainstream SHB Backplanes, Compactable with PCE-3000 series and IPC chassis: ACP-4020 


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