研華PCA-6103P2V-0A2E 1U蝶型底板

研華PCA-6103P2V-0A2E 1U蝶型底板

  • 系統(tǒng)數(shù):1
  • 槽數(shù):2 PCI, 1 CPU
  • PCI總線:32-bit/33 MHz
  • 尺寸:40 x 400 mm (1.57" x 15.75")
  • 適用機(jī)箱:ACP-1000, IPC-1120
  • 只適用于研華的1U機(jī)箱
  • The PCA-6103P2V-0A2E is a butterfly passive backplane with 2 PCI and 1 CPU slots and it supports ATX power supplies.This backplane is designed to work with Advantech's ACP-1010 chassis and only sold with Advantech’s 1U chassis.


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