研華PCE-5B13-03 13-slot BP for 14-slot chassis

研華PCE-5B13-03 13-slot BP for 14-slot chassis

  • 13-slot BP for 14-slot chassis
  • Segments: 1
  • One CPU card slot
  • PCIe slot: One x16; Eight x4
  • PCI-X slot: N/A
  • PCI slot: Three 32/33
  • ? Compatible with IPC chassis: IPC-510, IPC-610, IPC-611, ACP-4000, ACP-4320, ACP-4360, ACP-4010
  • Complying with System Host Board (SHB Express; also called PICMG 1.3) standards, these SHBs feature the latest PCI Express technology, offering scalable I/O bandwidth of more than 10 GB/s. They maintain compatibility with PCIe, PCI-X, PCI and ISA, and allow customers to leverage commercial I/O cards. Advantech's SHBs empower system designers to create a new generation of servers, workstations and industrial platforms.


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