研華PCE-5032 LGA1200 10th Generation Intel? Core? i9/i7/i5/i3/Pentium/Celeron System Host Board with DDR4, SATA 3.0, USB 3.2, Dual GbE, and Dual Displays

研華PCE-5032 LGA1200 10th Generation Intel? Core? i9/i7/i5/i3/Pentium/Celeron System Host Board with DDR4, SATA 3.0, USB 3.2, Dual GbE, and Dual Displays

  • Intel? Core? i9/i7/i5/i3 LGA1200 processor with H420E chipset
  • Up to 64 GB of dual-channel (non-ECC) DDR4 2666/2933 MHz
  • PCIe 3.0, USB 3.2, and SATA 3.0 slots
  • Supports VGA and DVI-D/DP display (with optional cable)
  • Supports Advantech’s LPC modules, SUSIAccess, and embedded software APIs
  • LGA1200 10th Generation Intel? Core? i9/i7/i5/i3/Pentium/Celeron System Host Board with DDR4, SATA 3.0, USB 3.2, Dual GbE, and Dual Displays


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