研華UTC-100P-S Smart Card Reader for UTC-100 series

研華UTC-100P-S Smart Card Reader for UTC-100 series

  • International Standard: Comply with PC/SC 1.0 standard and EMV L1
  • CPU Card: Comply with ISO7816-1,2,3,T=1 and T=0 protocol
  • Memory Card: Synchronous 2-line, 3-line and I2C interface
  • Card Acceptor/ Reliability: Friction Type (ID-1) , 200,000 cycles
  • LED: Dual color LED indicator
  • OS Support: Windows 10 & Android
  • Dimensions: 101.0 x 34.9 x 33.8 mm
  • Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 40° C
  • Interface: USB


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