研華UTC-100P-B 2D Barcode module for UTC-100 Series

研華UTC-100P-B 2D Barcode module for UTC-100 Series

  • Sensor: CMOS sensor with 640 x 480 pixel resolution
  • Illumination & Aiming: White LED illumination; Red LED dot aimer
  • Typical Frame Rate: 30 frames per second
  • Motion Tolerance: Up to 100 cm/s (4 in/s) for 13 mil UPC at optimal focus
  • Field of View: Horizontal: 37.8°, Vertical: 28.8°
  • Scan Angles: Tilt: 360°, Pitch: ± 45°, Skew: ± 45°
  • Symbol Contrast: 35% minimum print contrast ratio
  • OS Support: Windows 10 & Android
  • Operating Temperature: -10°C to 40°C


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