研華UTC-542I 42.5

研華UTC-542I 42.5" Ubiquitous Touch Computer with 11th Gen Intel Core i7/i5/i3 Processor

  • High performance and fanless system design
  • Built-in Intel? Core? i5-1145G7E (UTC-542I)
  • 42.5" monitor with 16:9 widescreen display
  • IP65-rated front panel for water and dust resistance
  • Aluminum frame with side groove design for flexible peripheral installation
  • Supports both landscape and portrait screen orientations
  • VESA 200 mm standard mounting holes for varied mounting demands
  • The systems deliver updated information with well-designed interactive interfaces, fully ensure relevant content and targeted promotions are delivered. UTC series touch panel computers are the best investments to enhance user satisfaction, further brand equity, and maximize business profits.


从化市| 庆安县| 彭州市| 贵南县| 武乡县| 乾安县| 阳高县| 常德市| 北辰区| 上杭县| 资溪县| 和田市| 云阳县| 沁水县| 吴桥县| 西城区| 资兴市| 梅河口市| 松潘县| 龙游县| 敦化市| 马公市| 双辽市| 即墨市| 都昌县| 尼木县| 金塔县| 阜南县| 丹寨县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 怀来县| 同德县| 镇安县| 郸城县| 尼玛县| 万荣县| 泸西县| 文山县| 宜丰县| 金湖县| 许昌县|