研華UTC-220G 21.5

研華UTC-220G 21.5" Open Frame Panel PC with Intel?Pentium? N4200

  • Available for embedded into kiosk chassis and wall mount type
  • One-piece and fan-less design
  • Rich screen size and core from UTC series
  • Rich IO for extensional peripherals connection
  • Built-in Intel? Pentium? N4200 (UTC-220G)
  • Providing Natural Viewing Experience with 21.5" Display
  • Could be take as monitor only
  • Advantech UTC-220 series is an 21.5" open-frame panel PC that provides a simple and single-unit solution for a wide range of embedded applications. Featuring a sixth-generation Intel? processor and a fanless system, the UTC-220 delivers excellent performance in a compact design.


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