研華FWA-5072 1U Rackmount Network Appliance with 4th Generation Intel? Xeon? Scalable Processor for NFV and SD-WAN

研華FWA-5072 1U Rackmount Network Appliance with 4th Generation Intel? Xeon? Scalable Processor for NFV and SD-WAN

  • Up to 32 cores for NFV needs with single 4th Generation Intel? Xeon? scalable processors
  • Up to 16 DDR5 RDIMM memory to boost computing capability
  • 4 x NMC with PCIe Gen5 for networking (Compatible with Gen4 & Gen3)
  • High availability system with redundant solutions
  • Managing system with Advantech in-house IPMI firmware. (Comply with Redfish 1.14.1)
  • 1U Rackmount Network Appliance with 4th Generation Intel? Xeon? Scalable Processor for NFV and SD-WAN


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