研華BB-9PSMF Serial Accessory, DB9 M/F Mechanical Protector

研華BB-9PSMF Serial Accessory, DB9 M/F Mechanical Protector

  • DB9 male / DB9 female port saver
  • Protect a highly used port from mechanical damage
  • Convert a female port to a male port or a male port to a female port
  • DB9 male to DB9 female port saver protects a highly used port from mechanical damage. This small investment saves from replacing an expensive card due to port damage.


伊宁市| 中牟县| 渭南市| 昔阳县| 贡山| 象州县| 离岛区| 株洲市| 南江县| 盐亭县| 田东县| 黔西| 广西| 池州市| 千阳县| 长泰县| 西畴县| 孙吴县| 西盟| 西平县| 钦州市| 开化县| 瑞昌市| 嘉定区| 雷波县| 密云县| 浑源县| 兴安盟| 东平县| 长治市| 富民县| 叙永县| 霍林郭勒市| 赤城县| 穆棱市| 五台县| 温州市| 孙吴县| 云阳县| 滕州市| 贡山|