研華VEGA-3500 Intel? 11th Gen CPU-based UHD Video Accelerator Card

研華VEGA-3500 Intel? 11th Gen CPU-based UHD Video Accelerator Card

  • Multi-channel UHD VP9, HEVC, AVC & AV1 transcoding
  • HDR, up to 4:4:4 sampling, 12-bit color w/ preprocessing
  • Dual 11th Generation Intel? Core? processor U-series
  • Supports Intel? AI/DL VNNI and CV/AI applications
  • Linux and Windows SDK including simple-to-use API and example code for FFmpeg
  • Double width, 3/4 length PCI Express Gen4 x16, compatible with server GPU slots
  • Double width dimension with cooler and sigle width dimension with heat sink
  • The new VEGA-3500 helps video equipment manufacturers efficiently cope with the processing complexity of UHD and HEVC enabling them with a powerful tool to accelerate their next- generation 4K video solutions.


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