研華AMiS-850C AMiS-850C with medication dispensing cabinet is for mobile distribution and point-of-care applications.

研華AMiS-850C AMiS-850C with medication dispensing cabinet is for mobile distribution and point-of-care applications.

  • Assign bin(s) to a type of medication or Patient ID
  • eMedication bins can be tracked by systems
  • Provides interface to integrate with any eMAR
  • Bins can be opened automatically
  • Easy to disassemble and transfer access to logfiles
  • Provides more mobility and is suitable for various scenarios
  • Reliable battery can support 8-10 hours of operation
  • Ergonomic design with electrical height adjustment
  • With the individual medication bin locking mechanism, nurses can use the barcode reader to scan patient wristbands and unlock the correct medication bin to ensure medicaiton control and safety.


成都市| 张掖市| 海伦市| 建阳市| 嵊州市| 武川县| 峨山| 连平县| 张掖市| 商都县| 高唐县| 林甸县| 南乐县| 大石桥市| 莱西市| 石门县| 克什克腾旗| 昌都县| 额敏县| 句容市| 老河口市| 东城区| 高密市| 鄂尔多斯市| 临海市| 通海县| 民乐县| 孟村| 黄大仙区| 桐梓县| 军事| 汶上县| 牡丹江市| 莆田市| 郑州市| 财经| 张家界市| 阳西县| 华蓥市| 洛南县| 阿拉善盟|