研華AMiS-830 AMiS UD Medication Cart can be used to transfer the RFID-tagged medication bins from the pharmacy to the nursing station or patient wards.

研華AMiS-830 AMiS UD Medication Cart can be used to transfer the RFID-tagged medication bins from the pharmacy to the nursing station or patient wards.

  • No sharp corners design for using safety and easy cleaning
  • Solid body frame design which has been qualified by over 30 km running test
  • Bin and drawer are available in different portfolio and are resistant for daily use
  • Digital lock can prevent the access to medication to not authorized people
  • Automatic rebound design for drawers to enhance convenience of use
  • Suggested to use with AMiS eMedication series to deploy RFID enabled CLMA work flow
  • With the exchangeable design of the electronic medication bin, AMiS-830 UD Medication Cart allows the bins to be easily exchanged at the pharmacy. It relieves pressure on medical staffs and improve medication safety.


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