研華iVideOR iVideOR is a future-proof platform to transform surgical imaging workflows.

研華iVideOR iVideOR is a future-proof platform to transform surgical imaging workflows.

  • Simplified Workflow for OR Efficiency:Preoperative and postoperative activities are streamlined by reducing data entry.
  • DICOM Supported :Screenshots can be taken anytime during and post operation, then archived in PACS (DICOM 3.0) with one-click upload
  • Easy Access to Data:Clinical image data can be easily accessed from a computer on the network – bringing huge time-saving benefits to staff.
  • Communication and the Sharing of Insights:Live video streaming enables real-time communication with specialists or colleagues, and is beneficial for education and the sharing of insights through software-based audio/video conferencing.
  • iVideOR is an OR integration solution that redefines the OR experience from pre-op to post-op. The seamless, intuitive interface of the Video-over-IP system can instantly route any image source to any destination, with no need to re-attach equipment.


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